31 August 2008

End of the holidays

Well today is Sunday 31st August. I've really enjoyed the holidays. When I started uni I knew there would be a lot of work involved and I'd probably not get too many reminders from tutors etc. So I decided, rather than a standard calender I'd print off an A4 calender sheet for each month then have four of these months attached to my bedroom wall. I got the calender sheets from a website called sciral. Then all I do is take my diary with me and update the calender with dates from my diary and student timetables.

Well, doing this has meant I can see at a glance when assignments are due in. So far I have a work book to hand in the last Monday of November (with 6 mini-500 word essays), a 2000 word essay on the 1st Monday of December and an exam. Then another 2000 word essay on the 2nd Monday in December. Phew, that's quite a lot.

So what I did was start on a little bit each day during the holidays (sad I know) but I've got a 1st draft of one on the main essays done and one of the work book essays finished, plus other marked bits and pieces out of the workbook.

I've also got the all clear from my MRSA screening and had my final HepB jab. I just have to wait 2 weeks to get the serology test for antibodies and measles antibodies.